Resources and Helpful Information

Butterfly on flower

Native Plants that Host Butterflies

Each species of butterfly or moth lays eggs on only a few types of plants. This list shows which native plants are the host for which caterpillars.

Native Deer-Resistant Plants for Shade

This guide lists plants that are native to Virginia, are deer-resistant and grow in part or full shade.

Echinacea flowers

Native Deer-Resistant Plants for Sun

This guide lists plants that are native to Virginia, are deer-resistant and grow in full sun.

Native Trees

This guide discusses native trees and their benefits and use in the home landscape.

Redbud tree in bloom in early spring
Vinca flowers

Deer Resistant Plants - Common Garden Plants

This guide lists common garden plants that are deer-resistant and also thrive in our area. Includes some native and non-native plants. For a more comprehensive native plant list, see the resources listed above.

Gardening in Raised Beds

Growing vegetables in raised beds or containers is easy and fun - and this guide will show you how! Includes practical tips for how you can beat weeds and enjoy your best harvest ever.

Tomato fruit in a box

All about Greenhouses

This resource discusses the types of greenhouses, hoop houses, cold frames, and high tunnels and how they can be used to grow vegetables year-round. It discusses the advantages, limitations, and best uses for the most popular types of greenhouses, written by Paul, who has built 7 greenhouses of various styles.

Disease-Resistant Apples

Here in Virginia, we have 3 major diseases: Fire Blight, Cedar Apple Rust, and Apple Scab. Many common apples, such as Granny Smith, are not resistant to these diseases and are very challenging to grow without pesticides. Paul couldn't find a comprehensive list of disease-resistant varieties, so he compiled his own list! Many are hard to find or are only available from mail-order companies, but we do have a few types available each spring and fall. Paul is also working on breeding new apple varieties - stay tuned!

Hand holding apple IMG_0774
Japanese Maple Tree

Tree Planting Instructions

This guide will teach you step-by-step how to properly plant and care for a new tree or shrub.

Success With Vegetables

Are you new to vegetable gardening? This "How-To" guide will walk you through each type of vegetable and how to grow each one.

containers of small seedlings

Sowing Vegetable Seeds

When is the proper time to sow bean seeds? Should I plant carrots in the ground, or in pots? This seed-sowing guide will answer all your questions about how and when to plant vegetable seeds.

Reaping the Vegetable Harvest

This handy reference will help you know how long you will have to wait before you will be able to enjoy your harvest! It also shows what is possible here in Virginia, and will help you as you experiment and try to expand your growing season.

Fall pumpkins and gourds
Blueberry bush with fruit

Success With Fruits and Berries

This in-depth guide describes how to grow all the major fruits and berries that we are able to grow here in Virginia, and includes variety recommendations and pests and insects to watch out for.

Orchard Insect Pests

What is eating my apples!?!?

This guide discusses all the common pests of orchard fruits that we encounter here in Virginia, and offers a range of practical, creative, organic and natural solutions.

Apple fruit on tree
Butterfly on flower

Pollinator Guide

An overview of different kinds of pollinators and how to attract more to your garden.

Grow Your Own Ginger

Grow your own "Baby Ginger"! Easy, fun, and delicious. This guide shows you how.

Ginger tuber